Sustainability Commitments

Patinter, as a dynamic organization, intends to promote sustained and integrated development, with a view to continuous improvement in all its areas of activity. Growing sustainably is one of Patinter's core principles and not a major challenge for the company. The concern with the excellence of service quality, with the preservation of the environment, with the safety, health and well-being of its collaborators are intrinsic commitments to our solid and stable culture, counting on the proactive participation of all collaborators.

Our Commitment

Our global sustainability commitments are in line with our mission to be recognized as a sustainable carrier, promoter of local development and global sustainability agent.


Patinter is a company certified under the ISO 14001:2015 standard that regularly carries out the identification and assessment of environmental aspects in all of its operating locations, subsequently implementing measures to reduce the negative effects of the company's activity on the environment.


Reducing GHG emissions is Patinter's concern. The application of measures such as, for example, the use of a recent fleet, fleet renewal with consumption efficiency inducing equipment, continuous training in economic driving, timely and adequate preventive maintenance of vehicles, tire pressure control, route optimization , among others, resulted in a significant reduction in emissions, making it possible to exceed the established target.

Sustainability Goals 

1) Fleet energy consumption - reduction by 5% over the period 2020-2025.

Result 2022: -3.3% compared to 2019 (progress - 66%)

2) Scope1 CO2eq emissions (associated with the service) - reduction by 5% during the period 2020-2025.

Result 2022: -3.3% compared to 2019 (progress - 66%)
3) Scope 2 CO2eq emissions - achieve 0 level of CO2 emissions in the period 2020-2023.

Result 2022: -100% compared to 2019 (progress -100%, target achieved)

4) CO2eq/t/km emissions - reduction of 5% in the period 2021-2023

Result 2022: -6.2% compared to 2020 (progress -100%, target exceeded)

5) Waste recovery rate - to reach 90% by 2025

Result 2022: Waste recovery rate = 85,2%.
Valuing Human Capital
Valuing Human Capital
Human Resources

Recognizing the importance of human resources in its activity, Patinter is daily committed to providing its employees with a safe and comfortable work environment, as well as creating the conditions for the personal development of employees.

Patinter is committed to paying a decent salary to all its employees, strictly complying with the labour legislation applicable to the Collective Labour Agreement in force.

Sustainability goals 

  • Pay the minimum wage to 100% of employees.
Occupational health and safety

Patinter's health and safety strategy underpins our commitment to life first. It comprises the application of procedures for the full identification of hazards and risk assessment, combined with assertive management, both preventive and mitigating. We also invest in technological innovations that make it possible to eliminate the dangers inherent in the transport activity.

As part of this persistent effort, awareness-raising actions, workshops and internal campaigns are periodically developed to promote attitudes and behaviors with regard to the culture of safety and health at work. Examples include Sleep Day, Safety Day at work; Blue November, Vision Day, etc.
Sustainability goals

1) Decrease in the number of work accidents by 5% in 2021

(Parameters monitored: No. of work incidents, Severity rate, Frequency rate, Lost time injury index (LTIR), Personal injury index (PIR); Obesity rate, Smoking rate.)
Road safety

Road safety is a priority at Patinter.  Therefore, we are concerned with ensuring safety conditions for our employees and all those who daily share the same roads as us.  Over the years, we have been implementing and consolidating a road safety culture, which will soon be recognised by obtaining  the ISO 39001:2017 certification.

Sustainability goals 

Overall objective : decrease until elimination of road accidents with fatalities or serious injuries

1)Number of fatalities in road accidents (resulting from our responsibility) - target 2023 - 0

2)Number of seriously injured in road accidents (resulting from our responsibility) - target 2023 - 0

Ethics and Human rights

Based on the highest standards of ethics, transparency and compliance, our Code of Ethics and Conduct establishes the principles that govern the activity of the companies in the Patinter group and a set of rules of an ethical and deontological nature to be observed by the respective members of the governing bodies and by all employees, in its relationship with customers, suppliers and other stakeholders.

Sustainability goals - Principles of ethics and human rights:
1) Number of recorded infractions - principles of ethics (corruption and bribery, fair competition, etc.) - target 2023 = 0

2) Number of recorded infractions - human rights (violence, discrimination, forced labour, harassment, etc.) - target 2023 = 0;

3) Complaints/complaints at the level of compliance with principles of ethics and human rights - target 2023 = 0

Click to see the Patinter Code of Ethics and Conduct.


